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Midlife Crisis Zenekar


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Ügyfélkapcsolati Munkatárs

About us

The Midlife Crisis Showband, Hungary’s funniest house party band, was formed six years ago. Our members are presenters and journalists whose purpose in life is music and entertainment. Our repertoire makes us ideal performers at festivals, city days, corporate events – the good party mood is guaranteed. Our program includes the most popular Hungarian and international band's or singer's hits. Halott pénz, Hungária, Beatrice, Máté Péter, Neoton Família, Wellhello, Tankcsapda, Bikini, KFT, Republic, Magna Cum Laude, AC DC, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, Bon Jovi and many others. We are proud that over the last six years, thousands of people danced in our concerts in different parts of the country. We only play well-known hits, that the audience will sing with us. We have had more than 80 concerts from the beginning. We were invited four times to Volt Festival, we performed at the Strand, Campus and Gencsapáti Pünkösdi Festival. We have played music in Akvárium, Kiosk, Platz, Mom Sport Rendezvényközpont, Trip boat and many other nightclubs. We attended city days and events for companies like MOL, T-Systems, Provident, Penny Market, Fudamenta. Performed with us as a star guest: Szörényi Levente (Illés, Fonográf), Karácsony János James (LGT), Korda György-Balázs Klári.

Services, opportunities

corporate parties, city days, festivals, private events


star performers

Experiance program type

  • Orchestra/Band

Videos / References:

Bemutatkozik a Midlife Crisis zenekar
Venue: Budapest - 2020.03.04 | Résztvevők száma: 6

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