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Found: 51-60 result   |   total: 400
+36 (1) 327-31... Show
1106  Budapest X.
Kerepesi út 87.
Meeting, function and assembly rooms can accommodate from 10 participants up to a total of 280. Integrated design and flexible partitioning systems allow for maximum convenience in terms of space and layout. Several small-scale events can be held simultaneously, or alternatively, attendees can opt for large general meetings. The Center’s Conference Planner can assist with the most complex event needs, including program planning, seating, catering...

Event halls (12) theatre banquet standing m2
Moszkva 20 - - 30
Berlin 20 - - 30
Brüsszel 20 - - 30
London 30 - - 45
New York I; New York II. 40 - - 60
New York I-II. 80 - - 120
Prága I; Prága II; Prága III. 40 50 60 60
Prága I-II. és Prága II-III. 100 100 120 120
Tokió 80 120 150 144
Varsó 120 100 120 120
Prága I-II-III. 180 150 180 190
Budapest 280 150 280 325
6764  Balástya
Őszeszék 236.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Venue 80 80 100 150
+36 (30) 661-3... Show
2890  Tata
Fáklya utca 4.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
30 30 30 20
120 120 120 -
40 40 40 35
80 80 80 90
+36 (30) 933-9... Show
1061  Budapest VI.
Jókai tér 5.
It is a well-known fact about the vintage decorated cellars that it is one of the many bars where “house party” atmosphere awaits for the guests after the delicious dinner. The separate halls, rooms are air-conditioned therefore they can be an ideal choice for corporate events, hen and stag parties, birthdays and name days all year around. One of the unique features of the place is the wide range of drink selection and the varied foods available...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Pub 80 90 90 120
Club 20 50 50 50
Coctail & VIP 35 50 50 80
Cofee & Bar 60 80 80 115
+36 (34) 586-8... Show
2890  Tata
Bacsó Béla út 54.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Lavender room 90 50 100 100
Coral room 16 12 20 35
Lotus room 45 25 60 50
Winter garden 80 60 90 100
+36 (70) 602-1... Show
1146  Budapest XIV.
Dózsa György út 35.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant - 450 450 900
+36 (30) 373-5... Show
2011  Budakalász
Omszk Park 3.
Our Omszk Sport team’s old dream came true: we thought it was time to introduce ourselves and start as an event venue. We worked a lot and would like to do the same in the future, so that the Omszk Sport could become one of the favourite event venues in a short time.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Sports hall - handball court 800 450 1000 800
Two 6000 m2 football fields 5000 2500 6000 6000
Three 2400 m2 artificial grass court 2000 800 2000 2400
One 800 m2 plastic court 600 300 800 800
+36 (20) 272-8... Show
2500  Esztergom
Táncsics Mihály utca 6.

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Grand room 350 300 350 353
Event Hall 200 150 200 400
Meeting room 1. 35 - 35 50
Meeting room 5. 35 - 35 45
Meeting room 4. 35 - 35 48
Meeting room 3. 35 - 35 41
Meeting room 2. 35 - 35 46
+36 (30) 415-4... Show
3200  Gyöngyös
Farkas utca 4.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Fenyő 40 - - 60
Juhar 150 120 120 200
Bükk 60 - 80 100
Tölgy 40 - 40 60
+36 (70) 603-8... Show
1045  Budapest IV.
Berni utca 1.
The wool weaving factory where people had been working hard for 30 years has been abandoned for several years in Újpest. The building has been deserted up until now. OFF Kultúrszövőgyár („culture weaving factory”) has revitalized the once productive place and has filled it up with culture. This is YOUR PLACE to be if you want something meaningful while switching off, if you are looking for true moments and memorable experiences and you would like...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
200 200 250 280
Off Event 250 200 300 500
OFF HALL 300 300 300 1240
Found: 51-60 result   |   total: 400
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